The mobilisation map shows locations where demonstrations and protest actions occurred during Hong Kong’s 2019-2020 anti-extradition law movement.
Methodology and sourcing – click to view
The Mobilization Map shows the locations of 1,097 events promoted on four Telegram channels: 反送中文宣谷, 777文宣傳播稿件大合集, 香港人日程表整合頻道 and 民間人權陣線資訊頻道 from June 16, 2019 to April 27, 2020. Using text mining techniques, events were identified by extracting text containing date, time, and locational information from messages in these channels. The locational text was converted into WSG84 coordinates using the Google Geocoding API and Places API. For marches and human chain-forming events, the approximate path was generated using the Google Directions API and displayed on the map. For other events, locations that were within 200 meters apart are represented as one circle on the map.
HKFP provides support to the ANITELAB Research Data Archive – a project of the Journalism and Media Studies Centre, The University of Hong Kong. View the project website here. This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International License.
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