To contact Hong Kong Free Press, please select an option below. 歡迎用下列任何方式聯絡我們。
Sharing a press release or PR material. 發放新聞稿及公關消息
Please avoid calling. 請盡量以電郵聯絡我們。Email:

We read all messages and will respond within 1-2 working days if we are able to cover your story or event. We do not offer “guest posts” or backlinking. 我們會閱讀所有電郵訊息,有需要的話,會於一至兩個工作天內回覆。我們不接受所謂客席撰文或連結贊助。
Supporter enquiries. 贊助者查詢
For details on how to support HKFP or contribute, click here. 捐款詳情請查閲本頁。
If you are already a contributor and have an enquiry, or wish to change/cancel a monthly contribution, contact:

We will respond within 1-2 business days.
Business and rate card enquiries. 廣告及其他商業查詢
To discuss advertising, sponsorship and partnership opportunities with Hong Kong Free Press, or to view our latest rate card, please email:

Writing for HKFP. 投稿
We welcome pitches from freelance journalists. Please read our guidelines before emailing. We read all emails – if we are able to move forward with your submission, we will respond within 1-2 working days. 我們歡迎獨立記者提供報題。請在發送電郵前閱讀我們的指引。我們會閱讀所有電郵訊息 ─ 如果我們有意予你合作,會於一至兩個工作天內回覆。
Contacting HKFP securely. 加密聯絡方法
HKFP is committed to protecting sources. Though no channel can offer guaranteed security, HKFP provides a number of secure communication options for whistleblowers.
HKFP 一向對所有消息來源予以絕對保密,雖然無任何工具是絕對安全,但報料人歡迎以下列方式聯繫。
Signal, Telegram and Whatsapp phone apps provide end-to-end encryption, though we do not recommend any particular service. Our number is: +852 9447-3443. We check messages once every working day, but cannot promise an individual response.
我們會每日檢查 Signal,Telegram和 Whatsapp 通訊程式,請發信息至 +852 9447-3443。
The postal service is another means of secure communication. Hong Kong Free Press, The Hive Kennedy Town, 6/F, Cheung Hing Industrial Building, 12P Smithfield Road, Kennedy Town, Hong Kong. 另外,以郵遞亦是另一個安全的聯絡方法。我們的地址是: 香港堅尼地城, 美菲路12P號, 祥興工業大廈6樓, The Hive. (Please note our office is closed to visitors.)
Terms and conditions for submitting news images/videos 圖片和影片投稿細則
In submitting a news photograph or video to HKFP, you agree to the following conditions:
- You agree that, by sending HKFP your photograph/video, you grant us a royalty-free, non-exclusive license to use/publish your material, along with our third-party partners, is any way we deem fit, worldwide, across any format/media.
- You will retain copyright to your material. HKFP will give credit to you where practically possible unless you request otherwise.
- Your material does not contain any elements of pornographic, indecent, violent or business promotional content.
- Your material does not impose upon any person’s rights – including defamation/libel, threats, hatred and discrimination.
- Your material was not gained by infringing upon any laws.
- HKFP reserves the right to select which photographs/videos we may use. We may amend our terms and conditions without notice.
- 提交稿件予HKFP代表你授權本報以及本報認爲合適的合作夥伴,在各種形式和格式免版稅、非專有許可地使用或出版該内容
- 你依然保有版權而HKFP會標明出處,除非著者要求不具名
- 稿件不涉及色情、不雅、暴力或商業推廣内容
- 稿件不涉及誹謗、侮辱、恐嚇、仇恨或歧視成份
- 你獲取稿件的途徑不涉及非法行爲
- 本報保留權利選用我們認爲合適的相片和圖片,而有可能在不通知的情況更改上述條件和細則